Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween in Ashland

Ashlanders go all out for Halloween. The potent combination of highly Lithium-concentrated water and the general Shakespeareyness of the town creates an unparalleled zest amongst the townsfolk for revelry every October 31st.

This year, we took advantage of the veritable smorgasbord of photo opportunities that exist downtown during the annual parade. Here's some video footage and a couple snaps:


Getting Stabby (Medford Mugshot of the Week)

We suspected that the operators of had a sense of humor.  
It's nice to be confirmed in our suspicions.  
Sadly, though, after much consideration, it's been decided that the scariest mugshot of Halloween 2012 goes not to Mr. Myers, but to another Michael...Michael Don Bates:

Congratulations, and thanks for playing!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Alone/re: Alone

Found in the Rants and Raves section.  
If you're not a fan of juvenile humor, proceed no further.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Celebrity Medford Mugshot of the Week

Is Olivia Wilde doing hard time in the Rogue Valley?

But here's the deal.  We can't help but be shocked by how many Medford offenders actually 
look like celebrities.  So this begins a new series on Rogue Valley Confidential, the
Celebrity Medford Mugshot of the Week
wherein we'll bring you the best look-alikes from around the val. 

Friday, September 28, 2012


Because when you're doing crystal meth and donating plasma, 
sometimes you just need a snack.  

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Friday, September 21, 2012

Weasels Ripped My Flesh

Editor's note: 


Monday, September 17, 2012

inside Tim Bulone

The links above are not active, but these are:

So, Tim identifies as a Long Beach, CA resident.  But he posted in the the Medford-Ashland Craigslist, so we say he's fair game and blog fodder.

Friday, September 14, 2012

It's Baaaaack! (A Medford Mugshot Challenge!)

Remember this?

Well of course you remember Salt-n-Pepa!  I'm talking about the hairstyle, silly.  
The asymmetrical bob.  The glory cut.  

Well, there's nothing new under the sun, as the saying goes.  The hottest A-list stars of today are reinvigorating the trend...and guess who's following suit?  The best part about Medford is that it's really got its finger on the pulse of fashion.  Or its finger in the puss of trashion.

Can you spot the Medford Offender?  Answer next week!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Plum Perfect Pictures

Plum Perfect Pictures' Nancy Swan (a Central Point-based professional photographer) is really the Sandra Lee* of the event photography world; her business is made up of about 70% run-of-the-mill wedding/graduation portrait/dance recital pictures and 30% crazy shit, like pet portraiture. Below is a sampling of some of her greatest hits.

*This post is really just an elaborate yet transparent excuse to post this video:

built like a puma

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Hawaiian Entertainer Sonny Kanahele is Mo Bettah.

Rogue Valley local musician and entertainer Sonny Kanahele has been peddling his wares on Craig for a while now, but he's recently added an exciting feature to his business model; the Uku Gram. Check it:

Sonny is totally rad. We urge you to check out his website where you can see him doing more things with his Ukulele, and also some Fire Dancing.